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So far admin2785 has created 66 blog entries.

Harry Polland/Robert Morales Scholarship

2025-03-07T23:09:54+00:00March 7th, 2025|Categories: Scholarships, Top Blog|

If your child passes these requirements, they can apply for the Scholarship. 1. Grade point average of 2.0 (based on a 4.0 system) upon high school graduation. 2. The scholarship is to be used for scholastic and vocational fields only. 3. The applicant must submit a resume of school and community activities and a transcript through your most recent semester. 4. The applicant must submit a two-page, handwritten or typed essay on the topic: “The Importance of Labor Unions.” 5. A recent photo must accompany applications. 6. The application must be returned and postmarked no later than May 19, 2025.

SB 915 is Legislation that Protects Good Jobs and Addresses Public Safety from Dangerous Autonomous Trucks and Cars

2024-04-21T15:34:33+00:00April 21st, 2024|Categories: News, politics|

(SACRAMENTO, Calif.) – California Senate Bill 915 (SB 915), a Teamsters-supported bill that will allow the state’s local governments to regulate autonomous vehicles (AVs), passed overwhelmingly today in the State Senate Local Government Committee. “The Teamsters commend the Senators on the Local Government Committee who supported this bill to protect public safety and good union jobs,” said Chris Griswold, Teamsters International Vice President At-Large and President of Teamsters Joint Council 42. “Right now, local communities have zero control over the dangerous autonomous vehicles on their roads. SB 915 will help fix this broken system and keep our communities safe by giving municipalities a voice in the deployment of AVs.” SB 915 was first introduced in January by State Senator Dave Cortese (D – San Jose). Under SB 915, municipalities can opt out of allowing AVs on their roads, but if they choose to allow AVs, the bill gives local governments the power to create a regulatory roadmap, outline the number of AVs allowed on public roads, and implement standards on data transparency requirements, ADA accessibility, safety and health inspections and more. The San Francisco City Council, Oakland City Council, Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, and San Mateo County Board of Supervisors all passed resolutions in favor of SB 915 earlier this year. Growing support for AV regulation comes amid ongoing AV Read more...

UPS Norcal Contract Negotiations Update for April 14th

2023-04-18T16:13:40+00:00April 18th, 2023|Categories: Top Blog, UPS, UPS Contract|

UPS Teamsters Sisters and Brothers, The Nor Cal Committee met with the company this week for the third and final round of negotiations prior to the start of National negotiations. The session ended on 4/14/23 with no real movement. The company was given a history lesson on the origin and intent of long-standing language. The company’s committee has nobody on their side of the table with any bargaining history. They respond to our concerns with what they “believe” the language means. We don’t believe what the language means; we know what the language means! The Company continues to sidestep on making any progress on resolving issues that they create. Unresolved issues include but are not limited to, seniority issues, grievance procedure, pay issues, workweeks, ice machines and employee health and safety. Reallocation of funds isn’t going to cut it for a company that posts record profits in the billions each year. The Nor Cal Committee has no patience in the company’s shell game negotiating tactics. “NOT INTERESTED” seems to be the mantra for the company. They are “NOT INTERESTED” in providing accurate seniority lists, “NOT INTERESTED” in providing ice. The company has made it loud and clear they are “NOT INTERESTED” in a contract. In Solidarity, Joseph Cilia, Secretary-Treasurer & Principal Officer

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