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So far admin2785 has created 66 blog entries.

Join a UPS Contract Action Team

2023-04-17T17:26:29+00:00April 10th, 2023|Categories: UPS Contract|

Attention UPS Teamster Activists! The International Union has launched a national training program to prepare rank-and-file members to win the strongest contract in UPS history. We invite you to take part in this program. Hear from organizers and trainers about the bargaining process Learn strategies for mobilizing your co-workers Find out how to map your workplace and build communications networks Get the tools you need to build effective Contract Action Teams in your local CLICK HERE TO REGISTER FOR A CONTRACT ACTION TEAM TRAINING IN YOUR AREA

Notice to All UPS Teamsters of Upcoming Parking Lot Meeting for Contract Update

2023-04-10T15:57:46+00:00April 6th, 2023|Categories: UPS, UPS Contract|

UPS Brothers and Sisters, Please plan to attend a contract update meeting at your respective facilities to hear about updates for the current UPS contract negotiations. San Francisco Parking Lot - Wednesday, April 19th at 8:15 am Menlo Park Parking Lot - Thursday, April 20th at 8:00 am San Bruno Parking Lot - Friday, April 21st at 8:00 am In Solidarity, Joseph Cilia, Secretary-Treasurer, and Principal Officer      

Grassdoor workers in Brisbane join Teamsters Local 2785

2023-04-06T17:55:01+00:00March 28th, 2023|Categories: Organizing|

Nearly 100 drivers and warehouse workers at Grassdoor, one of the largest cannabis delivery platforms in California, have joined Teamsters Local 2785. They join more than 300 of their union brothers and sisters at the company’s Southern California location who affiliated with the Teamsters in January. “The workers at Grassdoor have demonstrated tremendous courage and determination in standing up for their rights,” said Joseph Cilia, Local 2785 Secretary-Treasurer. “We are proud to stand with them and support their efforts to improve their lives.” “These workers are critical to the success of the cannabis supply chain, and they deserve to have prosperous, sustainable careers that reflect the value they bring to their employers,” said Peter Finn, Western Region International Vice President and Teamsters Food Processing Division Director. “We look forward to working with them on securing better wages, benefits, and working conditions. Carrie Qualls and Alexander Torres are drivers for Grassdoor in Brisbane. “Why do I think it’s important for cannabis workers to unionize? Well, grocery stores are union, construction workers are union – everyone else can unionize, so why not us?” Qualls said. “There’s certain things I want that we don’t get – paid vacation, paid time off – and I think by joining the Teamsters, we can negotiate to get those things,” Torres said. “The Teamsters are great – if Read more...

James R. Hoffa Scholarships Available to Member’s Children and Dependents

2023-03-28T16:30:36+00:00January 12th, 2023|Categories: Event|

Brothers and Sisters, Every year the James R. Hoffa Memorial Scholarship Fund awards scholarships to qualified children and financial dependents of Teamster members. Academic scholarships range from $1,000 to $10,000 for high school seniors planning to attend a four-year college or university, and Training/Vocational program awards of up to $2,000 for use at community colleges and trade schools. The application deadline is March 1, 2023. You can find out more and apply here: http://jrhmsf.org/  If you or a member you know can take advantage of this opportunity, please act on it or forward it to a member who can. In Solidarity, Joseph Cilia | Secretary-Treasurer Teamsters Local Union No. 2785  

Local 2785 Package Drivers Win Massive Award from Delayed Start Time Arbitration

2023-01-12T16:46:24+00:00October 31st, 2022|Categories: Event|

In a major arbitration victory for Teamsters Local 2785 UPS package drivers, members are getting justice this week after a long battle against the company for skimping on drivers’ overtime pay. The fight began with a grievance filed by the local in response to the company delaying drivers’ start times. Persistence by the union led to a favorable arbitration ruling and a remedy of $1.6 million for drivers at three UPS centers in San Francisco, Menlo Park, and San Bruno. The settlement covers approximately 1,100 members. “Local 2785 is pleased to have been able to win this arbitration against UPS, protecting our start times and getting the penalty,” said Joe Cilia, Secretary-Treasurer of Local 2785. “UPS was wrong and the union held their feet to the fire. It was a long battle, but we never gave up.” Although the company paid the delay penalty at the beginning of the day, it did not pay the delay caused at the end of the shift when the workday was lengthened past the normal quitting time. The union charged the company with violating Article 22, Section 2 of the Northern California Supplemental Agreement. UPS initially tried to delay the case, which was heard at the local supplemental grievance panel, deadlocked at the Western Region Panel, and eventually moved to arbitration. Ultimately, the arbitrator Read more...

2023 UPS Contract Negotiations Members Preparation

2023-01-12T16:46:45+00:00September 29th, 2022|Categories: meeting, Notice|

Brothers and Sisters, Teamsters Local 2785 is currently preparing for the 2023 UPS Contract negotiations, and we want to hear from you. It is important for all members to be actively involved in our next contract negotiations. We have prepared several tools for you to give us your opinion and participate in this process. 1. Take this short survey. All answers will remain confidential. Take The Survey 2. Attend a UPS Contract Preparation Meeting this October 7th or 9th. All Part Time and Full Time Inside Members of Local 2785 that are employed by United Parcel Services Where: American Legion Post 409 757 San Mateo Ave San Bruno, CA 94066 When: Friday, October 7th at 10:30 AM ALL Full Time Members of Local 2785 that are employed by United Parcel Services Where: American Legion Post 409 757 San Mateo Ave San Bruno, CA 94066 When: Sunday, October 9th at 9:00 AM 3. Submit your Proposals Online. Master form is for Part Time and Full time members Sort Rider form is for Part Time members NORCAL Supplement form is for Full Time members

Go Union Made this July 4th

2023-04-06T17:54:53+00:00July 4th, 2022|Categories: Event, News|

Go Union-Made This July 4th It’s that time of the year again when families get together for backyard grilling, warm weather, and fireworks. Unions and the idea of independence go hand-in-hand because workers gain more freedom and a stronger voice by organizing their workplaces. With that in mind, we’ve put together a list of union-made July 4th essentials so that you can support ethical companies that treat workers fairly while you shop for your July 4th get-together. Union-Made July 4th Shopping List Beer Budweiser (IBT, IAM) Beck’s (IAM) Coors (IUOE, IBT) Michelob (IAM, IUOE, IBT) Miller Genuine Draft (UAW, IAM, IUOE, IBT) Stella Artois (IAM) Soft Drinks Coca-Cola (UAW) 7 Up (BCTGM) A&W (BCTGM) Dr. Pepper (UFCW, UAW) Coolers Rubbermaid (IBEW) Sunscreen Bain de Soleil (AFGE) Coppertone (IBT) Hot Dogs Ball Park (UFCW, IBT) Hebrew National (IBT, UFCW) Hormel (IBT) Oscar Mayer (UFCW, IBT) Ice Cream Good Humor (IBT) Prairie Farms (IBT) Snacks Cheez-It (BCTGM) Fritos (BCTGM) Mission Tortilla Chips (IBT) Ritz (BCTGM) Ruffles (BCTGM) Sun Chips (BCTGM, IBT) Triscuit (BCTGM) Wheat Thins (BCTGM, IBT) Find thousands of union-made items via our directory here. Browse Our Directory Of Thousands Of Union-Made Products And Vote With Your Wallet

Teamsters Primary Election Voters Guide

2022-05-17T15:56:09+00:00May 17th, 2022|Categories: Event, News, politics|

Brothers and Sisters, State and Local legislation are very powerful tools that Teamsters use to get laws passed to support workers(Teamster Jobs).  But we cannot use our voice in this way if you don't vote. Here is a link to the Teamster recommended candidates in the upcoming primary elections on June 7th. These candidates support labor and labor-related efforts. Please make every effort to vote in this primary on JUNE 7th, so we can keep good candidates in office that support labor. Teamster Recommended Candidates

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